About Us
McCreight Potatoes Ltd is a family run business. Jim McCreight started the company more than 30 years ago, growing potatoes for processing factories. Since then the emphasis has been on producing high-quality seed potatoes for certification for the UK and Irish markets. The business has grown over the years and is now one of a select few directly involved in every element of the Potato Industry - including Breeding, Production, Commercial Trade of Seed/Ware, Horticulture Trade, Worldwide Import/Export.

Worldwide distribution
Since McCreight Potatoes inception our focus has been to produce high-quality seed potatoes for certification in the UK and Irish markets. As the business has grown we have exported seed potatoes worldwide to Ireland, the UK, Europe, North Africa and Asia.

McCreight Potatoes continually search for the best varieties for each sector of the industry. Our breeding program selects only the best potential new varieties from carefully prepared crosses. Each year, new clones are being added, then tested in a range of climates and situations.

McCreight Potatoes have a strong network of high quality seed producers in UK and Ireland. We work closely to forge relationships with our growers, ensuring supply of quality produce year after year. Full supply chain from mini tuber PBTC through Pre-basic to S, SE and E certification. Production to suit clients demands and requirements.

McCreight Potatoes offer a wide range of seed potato varieties from the open market, and an excellent selection of exclusive varieties.

McCreight deal with thousands of tonnes of seed and ware potatoes every year. We are committed to providing high quality service and produce to both our suppliers and customers. McCreight Potatoes partner with strong seed houses in UK and Europe to provide a complete potato service. We a the UK and Ireland agents for the Dutch Potato company PLANTERA, with well known industry varieties such as MEERA, LUCERA, VITABELLA.

Horticulture Trade
McCreight Potatoes proudly supply garden centres, nurseries, supermarkets and hardware stores throughout UK and Ireland. 50+ varieties of seed potatoes, onions, shallots, garlic along with a range of composts and fertilisers available. We can offer a range of pack sizes to suit and clients requirements, from 1,250kg jumbo bags down to 2kg carryfresh packs. Attractive packaging that stands out in any retail setting.

Carefully place your seed potatoes in shallow boxes, or egg cartons to encourage the seed to sprout. Keep away from frost and store in a cool area.
5-6 weeks before you wish to plant, move to a bright, warm location (about 10 degrees Celsius) to produce a strong, thick sprout. The ideal sprout is 1 inch in length and green in colour. Make sure to store your potatoes rose end upwards. While not essential for maincrop varieties, we strongly recommend sprouting your earlies.

Planting your potatoes in a trench about 5” deep in your soil, ensuring the sprout is facing upwards.
Rows should be made 24” apart for Early varieties, and 30” apart for Maincrop.
Seed spacing within the row, Earlies should be placed 12” apart, Maincrop 15”.
Fill the trench and apply suitable fertiliser/farmyard manure along the row. Finish off the trench with fresh topsoil.

The key to growing potatoes is giving the correct amount of water: not too much at first, but once they get to about 15” high they should be kept moist.

Earlies - Plant Feb - March allowing 10-12 weeks to mature (13-15 weeks for second earlies), harvest around June.
Maincrop - Plant mid-late April, allowing 20 weeks to mature, to be harvested August onwards.
Note: planting and harvest times are subject to weather and climate.

Earthing Up
When all plants have emerged to about 6-8inches, pull up the soil between the rows and around the plants. This will improve tuber numbers and prevent greening.

Potatoes are generally ready when the foliage turns yellow and dies away. Harvest your potatoes as required. Do not expose to sunlight. Store in boxes or hessian sacks.

Growing in pots or containers?
You will require approx. 40 litres to grow a good crop of from 5 seed potatoes. Your container will need sufficient drainage in the bottom, use a layer of stones or broken pots in the base. Use general purpose compost rather than garden soil.
The number of tubers you can plant in a container will depend on the diameter of the pot, and the vigour of the variety. Try five in a dustbin sized container, three in a 40 cm pot, one in a 25 cm diameter container.
Add a 6-inch layer of compost to the bottom of the container, place the seed potatoes with eyes facing up about 2 inches into the compost. Cover with 5-6 inches of compost. As the potato shoots grow, add more compost. Continue this earthing up until the compost is 2-3 inches below the rim of the container.
Potato Nutritional Information
The FDA-approved Nutrition Facts Label says it all. Potatoes are:
– An excellent source of vitamin C
– A good source of potassium (more than a banana!)
– A good source of vitamin B6
– Fat-, sodium- and cholesterol-free
– Only 110 calories per serving

Our Funders:

Supported by Invest NI
McCreight Potatoes Ltd. is in receipt of SFA Capital support from Invest NI for upgrade of packing facility. This project, which is part-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Investment for Growth and Jobs Programme 2014-2020, aims to drive sales growth by implementing improved packaging alongside more efficient packing facilities.

Contact details
McCreight Potatoes Ltd
Crossan Road, Mayobridge, Newry,
Co. Down, Northern Irelan, BT34 5BE
Tel: +44 (0) 28 3085 1661
Fax: +44 (0) 28 3085 1650
Facebook: McCreight Potatoes Ltd